Proposal for an Indipendent Sardinia

"Sardigna Natzione Indipendhente"

A living manifesto, v0.0.1, by Damiano Casula.


Private Property Rights

Every citizen should have an unrestricted right to own and use their property freely. Respecting the right of private property is essential to a just and prosperous society. The government and other citizens should not infringe on these rights.


Full Freedom of Speech

Citizens should have an unrestricted right to express opinions, ideas, and beliefs without censorship or limitation by the government. It encompasses all forms of communication, allowing individuals to speak freely, even on controversial or unpopular topics.

Building with columns

Transparent Government

The government should openly share information, decisions, and processes with the public, ensuring clear communication and access to records. It must foster trust by holding officials accountable for their actions and decisions, promoting integrity and public engagement.

Banknotes and coins

Economic Freedom

The government should enable people to choose how they work, produce, spend, and invest. It must facilitate the free movement of individuals, money, and goods, intervening only to safeguard this freedom when absolutely necessary.

Peace pigeon


The government should follow a neutrality principle, not taking sides in any war and staying neutral in future conflicts. This also means avoiding membership in military alliances like NATO.

Coin up

Avoiding the Welfare Trap

The welfare system should be minimal and help people get better financially without holding them back. The "Welfare Trap" occurs when earning more causes people to lose benefits; the goal is to encourage progress without making citizens worse off.